Stem Cells from the Apical Papilla: A Promising Source for Stem Cell-Based Therapy.
Jun KangWenguo FanQianyi DengHongwen HeFang HuangPublished in: BioMed research international (2019)
Stem cells are biological cells that can self-renew and can differentiate into multiple cell lineages. Stem cell-based therapy is emerging as a promising alternative therapeutic option for various disorders. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent adult stem cells that are isolated from various tissues and can be used as an alternative to embryonic stem cells. Stem cells from the apical papilla (SCAPs) are a novel population of MSCs residing in the apical papilla of immature permanent teeth. SCAPs present the characteristics of expression of MSCs markers, self-renewal, proliferation, migration, differentiation, and immunosuppression, which support the application of SCAPs in stem cell-based therapy, including the immunotherapy and the regeneration of dental tissues, bone, neural, and vascular tissues. In view of these properties and therapeutic potential, SCAPs can be considered as promising candidates for stem cell-based therapy. Thus the aim of our review was to summarize the current knowledge of SCAPs considering isolation, characterization, and multilineage differentiation. The prospects for their use in stem cell-based therapy were also discussed.