A model of d -wave superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, and charge order on the square lattice.
Maine ChristosZhu-Xi LuoHenry ShackletonYa-Hui ZhangMathias S ScheurerSubir SachdevPublished in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2023)
We describe the confining instabilities of a proposed quantum spin liquid underlying the pseudogap metal state of the hole-doped cuprates. The spin liquid can be described by a SU(2) gauge theory of N f = 2 massless Dirac fermions carrying fundamental gauge charges-this is the low-energy theory of a mean-field state of fermionic spinons moving on the square lattice with π -flux per plaquette in the ℤ 2 center of SU(2). This theory has an emergent SO(5) f global symmetry and is presumed to confine at low energies to the Néel state. At nonzero doping (or smaller Hubbard repulsion U at half-filling), we argue that confinement occurs via the Higgs condensation of bosonic chargons carrying fundamental SU(2) gauge charges also moving in π ℤ 2 -flux. At half-filling, the low-energy theory of the Higgs sector has N b = 2 relativistic bosons with a possible emergent SO(5) b global symmetry describing rotations between a d -wave superconductor, period-2 charge stripes, and the time-reversal breaking " d -density wave" state. We propose a conformal SU(2) gauge theory with N f = 2 fundamental fermions, N b = 2 fundamental bosons, and a SO(5) f ×SO(5) b global symmetry, which describes a deconfined quantum critical point between a confining state which breaks SO(5) f and a confining state which breaks SO(5) b . The pattern of symmetry breaking within both SO(5)s is determined by terms likely irrelevant at the critical point, which can be chosen to obtain a transition between Néel order and d -wave superconductivity. A similar theory applies at nonzero doping and large U , with longer-range couplings of the chargons leading to charge order with longer periods.