Arthroscopic Decompression of the Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine.

Steven M LearyRobert W Westermann
Published in: JBJS essential surgical techniques (2023)
FAI = femoroacetabular impingementAP = anteroposterior, refers to the technique used to obtain one of the pelvic radiographs3D CT = three-dimensional computed tomographyLCEA = lateral center-edge angle, a measurement used to quantify severity of hip dysplasiaOR = operating roomAlpha = alpha angle, a measurement used to measure femoral head-neck offset and assess the severity of a cam deformityIc = iliocapsularisRFd = direct head of rectus femorisRFr = reflected head of rectus femorisCap = hip capsuleGMi = gluteus minimusmHHS = modified Harris Hip ScoreHOS-ADL = Hip Outcome Score - Activities of Daily LivingHOS-SSS = Hip Outcome Score - Sports Specific Subscale.