Clone worth? Genetic diversity in obligate apomictic Miconia albicans (Melastomataceae).

A C C DiasR C MarinhoD S SampaioAna Maria BonettiPaulo Eugênio Oliveira
Published in: Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany) (2021)
Apomixis is the asexual production of seeds by plants and, in theory, would render low genetic diversity and even clonal lineages. However, recent studies have shown otherwise, although is not always clear where the genetic diversity of obligate apomicts comes from. We evaluated the genetic diversity among sister seedlings of M. albicans, an obligate apomictic species in Cerrado, Neotropical Savannas in Central Brazil. A total of 50 seedlings from five individuals were analysed using ISSR primers. We obtained 107 fragments, all with good resolution, consistently observed and replicable. The percentage of polymorphic loci ranged from 28.04% to 33.64% and Shannon's information index (I) averaged 0.173. The expected heterozygosity (He) averaged 0.117, similar to the observed for populations of M. albicans and other selfed species. Only two seedlings showed the same genotype (possible clones), but most differed at least for five loci. Most of variance was among progenies (62%), but we found that 38% was within progenies. Genetic distances separated the progenies in two groups, and analogous analyses between individuals reconstructed the original progenies clustering. The results confirmed a relatively high genetic diversity among sister seedling of this obligatory apomictic plant and clones were rare. This diversity can be generated during development, probably by restitutional meiosis or other recombination processes. These differences may accumulate into lineages and populations well adapted to heterogenous Cerrado environment.