Metabolic flexibility and extensive adaptability governing multiple drug resistance and enhanced virulence in Candida albicans.
Sajad Ahmad PadderAsiya RamzanInayatullah TahirReiaz Ul RehmanAbdul Haseeb ShahPublished in: Critical reviews in microbiology (2021)
Commensal fungus-Candida albicans turn pathogenic during the compromised immunity of the host, causing infections ranging from superficial mucosal to dreadful systemic ones. C. albicans has evolved various adaptive measures which collectively contribute towards its enhanced virulence. Among fitness attributes, metabolic flexibility and vigorous stress response are essential for its pathogenicity and virulence. Metabolic flexibility provides a means for nutrient assimilation and growth in diverse host microenvironments and reduces the vulnerability of the pathogen to various antifungals besides evading host immune response(s). Inside the host micro-environments, C. albicans efficiently utilizes the multiple fermentable and non-fermentable carbon sources to sustain and proliferate in glucose deficit conditions. The utilization of alternative carbon sources further highlights the importance of understanding these pathways as the attractive and potential therapeutic target. A thorough understanding of metabolic flexibility and adaptation to environmental stresses is warranted to decipher in-depth insights into virulence and molecular mechanisms of fungal pathogenicity. In this review, we have attempted to provide a detailed and recent understanding of some key aspects of fungal biology. Particular focus will be placed on processes like nutrient assimilation and utilization, metabolic adaptability, virulence factors, and host immune response in C. albicans leading to its enhanced pathogenicity.