Improved estimates of abortion rates in tsetse (Glossina spp.).
John W HargrovePublished in: Medical and veterinary entomology (2023)
Abortion rates were assessed among 170, 846 tsetse (154,228 Glossina pallidipes and 19,618 Glossina morsitans morsitans) sampled in Zimbabwe in 1988-1999. The study produced improved estimates of abortion rates and how these varied with fly age and size and temperatures experienced during pregnancy. An abortion was diagnosed if the uterus was empty and the largest oocyte <0.82 of the expected mature length. Abortion rates for G. pallidipes and G. m. morsitans were 0.64% (95% ci: 0.59-0.69) and 0.83% (0.62-1.10) for trapped flies and 2.03% (1.77-2.31) and 1.55% (1.20-1.98) for flies from artificial refuges. Abortion rates increased with increasing temperature and decreased with increasing wing length and wing fray. Contrary to laboratory findings, abortion rates did not increase in the oldest flies. Percentages of tsetse with empty uteri, regardless of abortion status, were significantly higher than estimated abortion percentages. For tsetse from traps, 4.01% (95% ci: 3.90-4.13) of G. pallidipes and 2.52% (2.14-2.95) of G. m. morsitans had empty uteri; for flies from artificial refuges, the percentages were 12.69% (12.07-13.34) and 14.90% (13.82-16.02), respectively. Abortion losses are small relative to losses at all other stages of life.