[Plastic beauty, eugenics and physical education in Chile: a commentary on the work "Characteristics of physical education", by Luis Bisquertt (1930)].

Enrique RiobóFrancisco Javier Villarroel
Published in: Historia, ciencias, saude--Manguinhos (2019)
The article seeks to introduce and contextualize the work "Characteristics of physical education" ("Aspectos de la educación física"), by Luis Bisquertt, which emphasizes the effort to ameliorate racial aspects in Chile, in 1930, thru physical education eugenics, whose body paradigm were the Hellenic classical statues. One of the key concepts of this document is plastic beauty, whose meaning overlaps with the idea of normality and sanity, creating pathologies on those bodies that were considered outside of the athletic standards, a situation that was aggravated by the sedentary conditions of modern times.