Engineering DNA-based cytoskeletons for synthetic cells.
Kevin JahnkeKerstin GöpfrichPublished in: Interface focus (2023)
The development and bottom-up assembly of synthetic cells with a functional cytoskeleton sets a major milestone to understand cell mechanics and to develop man-made machines on the nano- and microscale. However, natural cytoskeletal components can be difficult to purify, deliberately engineer and reconstitute within synthetic cells which therefore limits the realization of multifaceted functions of modern cytoskeletons in synthetic cells. Here, we review recent progress in the development of synthetic cytoskeletons made from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as a complementary strategy. In particular, we explore the capabilities and limitations of DNA cytoskeletons to mimic functions of natural cystoskeletons like reversible assembly, cargo transport, force generation, mechanical support and guided polymerization. With recent examples, we showcase the power of rationally designed DNA cytoskeletons for bottom-up assembled synthetic cells as fully engineerable entities. Nevertheless, the realization of dynamic instability, self-replication and genetic encoding as well as contractile force generating motors remains a fruitful challenge for the complete integration of multifunctional DNA-based cytoskeletons into synthetic cells.