This paper illustrates the potential of Ag nanoparticles based nanocomposites to use as effective agents in photothermal therapy apart from their traditional employment as antimicrobial materials. Herein an Near- Infrared active photothermal agent was fabricated by deposition of Ag nanoparticles over aromatic poly(amidoamine) grafted carbon nanotubes. Thus prepared CNTs-PAMAM-Ag possessed strong photothermal effect under exposure to 980 nm laser system and prominent photothermal stability. The photothermal conversion efficiency of CNTs-PAMAM-Ag was found to be higher than readily used Au and CuS based photothermal agents. The photothermal effect of CNTs-PAMAM-Ag was substantial in presence of 980 nm laser compared to 808 nm laser and a linear dependence of photothermal effect on its concentration was identified. The maximum temperature attained by CNTs-PAMAM-Ag during assessment of its photothermal effect was about 66.0 °C, which is significantly higher than the survival temperature level of cancer cells. So CNTs-PAMAM-Ag could be a promising photothermal agent to apply in future photothermal hyperthermia therapy to treat cancer. Moreover CNTs-PAMAM-Ag can synchronous trigger by a single wavelength (980 nm) laser system, so it could simplify the future therapeutic process.