Focal Pulsed Field Ablation for Premature Ventricular Contractions: A Multicenter Experience.

Domenico Giovanni Della RoccaMaría Cespón FernándezAhmad KeelaniSanti RaffaLuigi PannoneAlexandre AlmoradErwin StrökerGeorgi BorisovGezim BalaJuan SieiraGiampaolo VettaObaida AlothmanAntonio SorgenteCharles AudiatIngrid OvereinderMarkus FrommholdAlvise Del MonteMark La MeirSanghamitra MohantyGian-Battista ChierchiaJohann Christoph GellerCarlos De AsmundisAndrea Sarkozynull null
Published in: Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology (2024)
PVC ablation using a focal PFA is feasible, effective, and safe, with promising acute and long-term results in several ventricular locations. Irritative firing is frequently observed. Coronary evaluation should be considered when targeting the outflow tract.