Which procedures and materials could be applied for full pulpotomy in permanent mature teeth? A systematic review.
M ZaniniMartine HennequinP Y CoussonPublished in: Acta odontologica Scandinavica (2019)
Objective: Coronal pulpotomies were recently re-investigated as an alternative to root canal treatment in vital permanent teeth. General dentists may be interested in knowing how to perform full pulpotomy, in particular in face of difficult endodontic cases of vital teeth. Material and methods: A systematic review was undertaken on the PubMed and Cochrane databases in order to determine which procedure should be applied for pulp capping and coronal restoration in routine dental practice. Fifty-three publications were included and allocated to one of two methodological categories: histological and clinical studies. Results and conclusions: There is no evidence to recommend one single procedure for full pulpotomy in vital permanent teeth that can be indicated for different pulpal diagnoses which differ greatly in terms of the inflammation process from healthy teeth to irreversible pulpitis. For each clinical case, all actions aiming to prevent pre-operative contamination, to control per-operative infection and to achieve a complete seal above the radicular pulp sections are unavoidable steps that should be complied with. Reproducing procedures adopted in high quality trials could insure high success rates.