Expectations of healthcare quality: A cross-sectional study of internet users in 12 low- and middle-income countries.

Sanam Roder-DeWanAnna D GageLisa R HirschhornNana A Y Twum-DansoJerker LiljestrandKwanele Asante-ShongweViviana RodríguezTalhiya YahyaMargaret E Kruk
Published in: PLoS medicine (2019)
Majorities of the internet-using public in 12 LMICs have low expectations of healthcare quality as evidenced by high ratings given to poor-quality care. Low expectations of health services likely dampen demand for quality, reduce pressure on systems to deliver quality care, and inflate satisfaction ratings. Policies and interventions to raise people's expectations of the quality of healthcare they receive should be considered in health system quality reforms.