Warthin tumor (WT) is the second most common benign parotid gland tumor after pleomorphic adenoma. WT is characterized by cystic and papillary proliferation of a two-layered oncocytic epithelium supported by lymphoid tissue. Heterotopic salivary duct inclusions (SDIs) are frequently observed in lymph nodes (LNs) of WT (SDI/LNs), and are thought to be the origin of WT. If this is true, SDIs should also persist in the lymphoid tissue of WT itself (SDI/WT), as a missing link between SDIs and WTs, but studies of this issue are limited. From 2008-2023, 138 WT cases were surgically excised at our hospital. SDI/LNs and SDI/WTs were histologically examined. Of 100 WT cases with LNs, SDI/LNs were observed in 67 cases (67 %). SDI/WTs were detected in 114 of 138 cases (82.6 %), including 107 of 127 smokers (84.3 %) and 7 of 11 never-smokers (63.6 %). SDI/WTs were located mainly in the subcapsular lymphoid tissue and often surrounded by a fibrous coat resembling salivary excretory ducts. This study revealed a high incidence of SDIs in WT itself, strongly supporting the theory that WT develops from heterotopic salivary ducts.