Distinguishing serial homologs from novel traits: Experimental limitations and ideas for improvements.
Antonia MonteiroPublished in: BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology (2020)
One of the central but yet unresolved problems in evolutionary biology concerns the origin of novel complex traits. One hypothesis is that complex traits derive from pre-existing gene regulatory networks (GRNs) reused and modified to specify a novel trait somewhere else in the body. This simple explanation encounters problems when the novel trait that emerges in a body is in a region that is known to harbor a latent or repressed trait that has been silent for millions of years. Is the novel trait merely a re-emerged de-repressed trait or a truly novel trait that emerged via a novel deployment of an old GRN? A couple of new studies sided on opposite sides of this question when investigating the origin of horns in dung beetles and helmets in treehoppers that develop in the first thoracic segment (T1) of their bodies, a segment known to harbor a pair of repressed/modified wings in close relatives. Here, I point to some key limitations of the experimental approaches used and highlight additional experiments that could be done in future to resolve the developmental origin of these and other traits.