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Taxonomic novelties in Haplopappus (Asteraceae, Astereae) from Chile.

Nicolás GarcíaArón Cádiz-VélizMacarena VillalobosVanezza Morales
Published in: PhytoKeys (2024)
Two new species of Haplopappus (Asteraceae) from central Chile are described in this article. Haplopappuscolliguayensis sp. nov. is restricted to La Chapa hill, Colliguay, Valparaíso Region, and is most similar to H.undulatus but differs from the latter in its stem indumentum, leaf shape and margin, and synflorescence arrangement. Haplopappusteillieri sp. nov . has been recorded from four high-Andean localities in the Choapa, Petorca, Rocín and Aconcagua river basins, and is most similar to H.punctatus but differs from the latter in its leaf length and margin, number of peduncles per twig, width of outer phyllaries, number of ray florets per capitulum, and achene dimensions. Additionally, we propose the reinstatement of H.kingii in agreement with an exhaustive revision of type material and protologues, as well as the study of herbarium specimens. Haplopappuskingii is restricted to mountainous areas in the southern portion of the Atacama Region, and resembles H.parvifolius and H.retinervius but differs from both by its leaf margin and apex, besides additional differences from each. We provide morphological descriptions, field images, distributional maps, conservation assessments, and taxonomic notes for the three species treated, as well as illustrations for the novel taxa.
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