Malformations of Cortical Development, Cognitive Involvementand Epilepsy: A Single Institution Experience in 19 Young Patients.
Valeria VentiMaria Chiara ConsentinoPierluigi SmilariFilippo GrecoClaudia Francesca OlivaAgata FiumaraRaffaele FalsaperlaMartino RuggieriPavone PieroPublished in: Children (Basel, Switzerland) (2021)
In Group I, two patients showed cortical dysplasia and two dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors plus focal cortical dysplasia; developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID) was severe in one, moderate in one and absent in two; the type of seizures was in all the cases focal to bilateral tonic-clonic (FBTCs), and drug resistant was found in one case. In Group II, three patients showed neuronal hetero-topias and five had pachygyria-lissencephaly: DD/ID was severe in four, moderate in two, and absent in two; the type of seizure was focal (FS) in five, focal to bilateral tonic-clonic (FBTCs) in two, infantile spasms (IS) in one, and drug resistant was found in three. In Group III, six showed polymicrogyria and one schizencephaly: DD/ID was found severe in five, moderate in two, and the type of seizure was focal (FS) in five, FBTCS in two, and drug resistance was found in three.