Treatment response scoring systems to assess long-term prognosis in self-injectable DMTs relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients.
Jordi RíoÀlex RoviraClaudio GasperiniMar TintoréLuca ProsperiniSusana Otero-RomeroManuel ComabellaÁngela Vidal-JordanaIngrid GalánLuciana MidagliaBreogán Rodriguez-AcevedoAna ZabalzaJoaquim CastillóGeorgina ArrambideCarlos NosÁlvaro CoboCarmen TurCristina AugerJaume Sastre-GarrigaXavier MontalbanPublished in: Journal of neurology (2021)
The combined measures integrated into different scores have an acceptable prognostic value for identifying patients with long-term disability. Thus, these data reinforce the concept of early treatment optimization to minimize the risk of long-term disability.