Three Lagrangians for the complete-active space coupled-cluster method.

Simen Kvaal
Published in: The Journal of chemical physics (2023)
Three fully variational formulations of the complete-active space coupled-cluster method are derived. The formulations include the ability to approximate the model vectors by smooth manifolds, thereby opening up the possibility for overcoming the exponential wall of scaling for model spaces of complete-active space type. In particular, model vectors of matrix-product states are considered, and it is argued that the present variational formulation allows not only favorably scaling multireference coupled-cluster calculations but also systematic correction of tailored coupled-cluster calculations and of quantum chemical density-matrix renormalization group methods, which are fast and polynomial scaling but lack the ability to properly resolve dynamical correlation at chemical accuracy. The extension of the variational formulations to the time domain is also discussed, with derivations of abstract evolution equations.