Accuracy Assessment of the 2D-FFT Method Based on Peak Detection of the Spectrum Magnitude at the Particular Frequencies Using the Lamb Wave Signals.
Lina DraudvilieneAsta MeškuotienėRenaldas RaisutisOlgirdas TumšysLina SurgautėPublished in: Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (2022)
The 2D-FFT is described as a traditional method for signal processing and analysis. Due to the possibility to determine the time and frequency ( t , f ) domains, such a method has a wide application in various industrial fields. Using that method, the obtained results are presented in images only; thus, for the extraction of quantitative values of phase velocities, additional algorithms should be used. In this work, the 2D-FFT method is presented, which is based on peak detection of the spectrum magnitude at particular frequencies for obtaining the quantitative expressions. The radiofrequency signals of ULWs (ultrasonic Lamb waves) were used for the accuracy evaluation of the method. An uncertainty evaluation was conducted to guarantee the metrological traceability of measurement results and ensure that they are accurate and reliable. Mathematical and experimental verifications were conducted by using signals of Lamb waves propagating in the aluminum plate. The obtained mean relative error of 0.12% for the A 0 mode (160 kHz) and 0.05% for the S 0 mode (700 kHz) during the mathematical verification indicated that the proposed method is particularly suitable for evaluating the phase-velocity dispersion in clearly expressed dispersion zones. The uncertainty analysis showed that the plate thickness, the mathematical modeling, and the step of the scanner have a significant impact on the estimated uncertainty of the phase velocity for the A 0 mode. Those components of uncertainty prevail and make about ~92% of the total standard uncertainty in a clearly expressed dispersion range. The S 0 mode analysis in the non-dispersion zone indicates that the repeatability of velocity variations, fluctuations of the frequency of Lamb waves, and the scanning step of the scanner influence significantly the combined uncertainty and represent 98% of the total uncertainty.