Genetic mapping of loci affecting seedling and adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew derived from two CIMMYT wheat lines.
Hossein GolzarManisha ShankarBeata SznajderRebecca FoxKaryn ReevesDiane E MatherPublished in: Planta (2024)
PM3 and PM8 alleles carried by two CIMMYT wheat lines confer powdery mildew resistance in seedlings and/or adult plants. A stage-specific epistatic interaction was observed between PM3 and PM8. Powdery mildew is an important foliar disease of wheat. Major genes for resistance, which have been widely used in wheat breeding programs, are typically effective against only limited numbers of virulence genes of the pathogen. The main aim of this study was to map resistance loci in wheat lines 7HRWSN58 and ZWW09-149 from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Doubled haploid populations (Magenta/7HRWSN58 and Emu Rock/ZWW09-149) were developed and grown in controlled environment experiments and inoculated with a composite of Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici isolates that had been collected at various locations in Western Australia. Plants were assessed for powdery mildew symptoms (percentage leaf area diseased) on seedlings and adult plants. Populations were subjected to genotyping-by-sequencing and assayed for known SNPs in the resistance gene PM3. Linkage maps were constructed, and markers were anchored to the wheat reference genome sequence. In both populations, there were asymptomatic lines that exhibited no symptoms. Among symptomatic lines, disease severity varied widely. In the Magenta/7HRWSN58 population, most of the observed variation was attributed to the PM3 region of chromosome 1A, with the allele from 7HRWSN58 conferring resistance in seedlings and adult plants. In the Emu Rock/ZWW09-149 population, two interacting quantitative trait loci were mapped: one at PM3 and the other on chromosome 1B. The Emu Rock/ZWW09-149 population was confirmed to segregate for a 1BL·1RS translocation that carries the PM8 powdery mildew resistance gene from rye. Consistent with previous reports that PM8-derived resistance can be suppressed by PM3 alleles, the observed interaction between the quantitative trait loci on chromosomes 1A and 1B indicated that the PM3 allele carried by ZWW09-149 suppresses PM8-derived resistance from ZWW09-149, but only at the seedling stage. In adult plants, the PM8 region conferred resistance regardless of the PM3 genotype. The resistance sources and molecular markers that were investigated here could be useful in wheat breeding.