Studying the Association between Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Insertion Sequences in Metagenomes: Challenges and Pitfalls.

Lucie GaliotXavier C MongerAntony T Vincent
Published in: Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland) (2023)
Antibiotic resistance is an issue in many areas of human activity. The mobilization of antibiotic resistance genes within the bacterial community makes it difficult to study and control the phenomenon. It is known that certain insertion sequences, which are mobile genetic elements, can participate in the mobilization of antibiotic resistance genes and in the expression of these genes. However, the magnitude of the contribution of insertion sequences to the mobility of antibiotic resistance genes remains understudied. In this study, the relationships between insertion sequences and antibiotic resistance genes present in the microbiome were investigated using two public datasets. The first made it possible to analyze the effects of different antibiotics in a controlled mouse model. The second dataset came from a study of the differences between conventional and organic-raised cattle. Although it was possible to find statistically significant correlations between the insertion sequences and antibiotic resistance genes in both datasets, several challenges remain to better understand the contribution of insertion sequences to the motility of antibiotic resistance genes. Obtaining more complete and less fragmented metagenomes with long-read sequencing technologies could make it possible to understand the mechanisms favoring horizontal transfers within the microbiome with greater precision.