"Metabolomic diversity of local strains of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and their efficacy against the cassava mite, Tetranychus truncatus Ehara (Acari: Tetranychidae)".
M ChaithraT PrameeladeviL PrasadAditi KunduS N BhagyasreeS SubramanianDeeba KamilPublished in: PloS one (2022)
A desirable substitute for chemical pesticides is mycopesticides. In the current investigation, rDNA-ITS (Internal transcribed spacer) and TEF (Transcriptional Elongation Factor) sequencing were used for molecular identification of six Beauveria bassiana strains. Both, leaf discs and potted plant bioassaye were carried out to study their pathogenicity against the cassava mite, Tetranychus truncatus. LC50 and LC90 values of potential B. bassiana strains were estimated. We also discovered a correlation between intraspecific B. bassiana strains pathogenicity and comprehensive metabolome profiles. Bb5, Bb6, Bb8, Bb12, Bb15, and Bb21 strains were identified as B. bassiana by sequencing of rDNA-ITS and TEF segments and sequence comparison to NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) GenBank. Out of the six strains tested for pathogenicity, Bb6, Bb12, and Bb15 strains outperformed against T. truncatus with LC50 values 1.4×106, 1.7×106, and 1.4×106 and with a LC90 values 7.3×107, 1.4×108, and 4.2×108 conidia/ml, respectively, at 3 days after inoculation and were considered as potential strains for effective mite control. Later, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the above six B. bassiana strains was done on secondary metabolites extracted with ethyl acetate revealed that the potential B. bassiana strains (Bb6, Bb12, and Bb15) have higher levels of acaricidal such as Bis(dimethylethyl)-phenol: Bb6 (5.79%), Bb12 (6.15%), and Bb15 (4.69%). Besides, insecticidal (n-Hexadecanoic acid), and insect innate immunity overcoming compound (Nonadecene) were also identified; therefore, the synergistic effect of these compounds might lead toa higher pathogenicity of B. bassiana against T. truncatus. Further, these compounds also exhibited two clusters, which separate the potential and non-potential strains in the dendrogram of Thin Layer Chromatography. These results clearly demonstrated the potentiality of the B. bassiana strains against T. truncatus due to the occurrence of their bioactive volatile metabolome.