Effects of supraphysiological vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplement on normal adult rat ovarian functions.
Bassem RefaatMohamed El-BoshyPublished in: Histochemistry and cell biology (2021)
This study measured the sequelae of cholecalciferol (VD3) therapy on ovarian functions in adult VD-replete rats (n = 48). The animals were distributed into the control and VD groups following estrous cycle synchronisation. The VD group received VD3 injections for 4 weeks (600 IU/Kg; 3 times/week). Vaginal cytology and cycle durations were recorded throughout the study. Serum VD (25-OH VD), Ca2+, gonadotrophins (FSH & LH) and sex steroids (E2 & progesterone) were measured following euthanasia. Follicles and corpora lutea were counted in ovarian tissue sections. VD receptor, binding protein, Ca2+-sensing receptor and retinoid X receptor-α genes and proteins were measured by quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. Serum VD, LH, E2 and progesterone levels were significantly higher, whereas FSH declined, in the VD group than controls. VD3 therapy was also associated with markedly higher rates alongside shorter durations of estrous cycles than controls. While serum Ca2+ levels were equal between the study groups, they correlated directly with serum 25-OH VD. The numbers of small and medium size ovarian follicles were equal in both study groups, whereas large follicles and corpora lutea counts were significantly higher in the VD group. The mRNAs and proteins of targeted molecules also increased substantially in the VD group than controls. In conclusion, treating VD-sufficient female rats with supraphysiological VD3 supplements was not associated with hypercalcaemia, and could contribute to ovarian functions by regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian hormones and ovarian VD-related molecules. However, further studies are still needed to illustrate the clinical significance of VD3 in female reproduction.