Esophageal actinobacillosis mimicking a diverticulum in a cow: a case report.
Rahul KumarGulshan KumarR P PandeyPublished in: Access microbiology (2024)
Present case report describes a case of an atypical oesophageal actinobacillosis in an adult cow presented to the university hospital with a history of inability to drink and swallow. Clinical examination revealed a five-inch swelling in the jugular groove. Skiagram revealed the presence of a small and slightly radio opaque round growth. Exploratory surgical excision of the growth was adapted as palliative treatment and the extirpated tissue was fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Histopathological examination revealed pyogranulomatous inflammation with radiating eosinophilic club shaped bodies surrounding small colonies of coccobacilli. Gram and Ziehl-Neelsen stains confirmed the presence of Gram-negative and non-acid-fast coccobacilli. Histopathology confirmed the pathognomonic lesion and proved to be a modality of choice for pathologists to reach at a diagnosis of atypical oesophageal actinobacillosis in a cow. After the exhaustive search of relevant literature on atypical actinobacillosis, the authors claim this to be the second report of oesophageal actinobacillosis worldwide.