Characterization of In Vivo Function(s) of Members of the Plant Mitochondrial Carrier Family.
Adriano Nunes-NesiJoão Henrique F CavalcantiAlisdair R FerniePublished in: Biomolecules (2020)
Although structurally related, mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) proteins catalyze the specific transport of a range of diverse substrates including nucleotides, amino acids, dicarboxylates, tricarboxylates, cofactors, vitamins, phosphate and H+. Despite their name, they do not, however, always localize to the mitochondria, with plasma membrane, peroxisomal, chloroplast and thylakoid and endoplasmic reticulum localizations also being reported. The existence of plastid-specific MCF proteins is suggestive that the evolution of these proteins occurred after the separation of the green lineage. That said, plant-specific MCF proteins are not all plastid-localized, with members also situated at the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane. While by no means yet comprehensive, the in vivo function of a wide range of these transporters is carried out here, and we discuss the employment of genetic variants of the MCF as a means to provide insight into their in vivo function complementary to that obtained from studies following their reconstitution into liposomes.