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Writing about suicide in graduation exam essays in Slovenia.

Saška RoškarLina BerlotJana MalovrhSanja JurjevićAnja Podlesek
Published in: Death studies (2019)
In 2017, senior year high school students in Slovenia wrote a graduation exam essay entitled "Suicide as an exit from the wheels of the system". Students had to explain the motives for suicide of the protagonists of two novels and take a stand on this action. We examined the relevant paragraphs of 142 essays. Negative attitudes prevailed towards suicide in general, but one quarter of students showed positive attitudes towards the protagonists' suicidal actions. A few students communicated their personal experience of hopelessness and revealed that they identified with the protagonists' suicidal behavior. Discussing suicide requires alertness for vulnerable individuals who should be offered help if needed.
  • high school
  • depressive symptoms