The professional and personal impact of the coronavirus pandemic on US neurointerventional practices: a nationwide survey.
Kyle M FargenThabele M Leslie-MazwiRichard P KlucznikStacey Q WolfePatrick A BrownSameer A AnsariGuilherme DabusAlejandro M SpiottaMaxim MokinAmeer E HassanDavid LiebeskindBabu G WelchAdnan H SiddiquiJoshua A HirschPublished in: Journal of neurointerventional surgery (2020)
This is the first study designed to understand the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on NI physician practices, case volumes, compensation, personal/family stresses, and work-related burnout. Future studies examining these factors following the resumption of elective cases and relaxing of social distancing measures will be necessary to better understand these phenomena.