The evaluation of eye gaze using an eye tracking system in simulation training of real-time ultrasound-guided venipuncture.
Tatsuru KajiYano KeisukeOnishi ShunMatsui MayuNagano AyakaMurakami MasakazuSugita KoshiroHarumatsu ToshioYamada KojiYamada WakaMatsukubo MakotoMuto MitsuruNakame KazuhikoIeiri SatoshiPublished in: The journal of vascular access (2021)
More experienced operators let their eye fall outside the US monitor fewer times than less experienced ones. The eye gaze was associated with the success rate of RTUS-guided venipuncture. Repeated training while considering the eye gaze seems to be pivotal for mastering RTUS-guided venipuncture.