Championing the use of people-first language in childhood overweight and obesity to address weight bias and stigma: A joint statement from the European-Childhood-Obesity-Group (ECOG), the European-Coalition-for-People-Living-with-Obesity (ECPO), the International-Paediatric-Association (IPA), Obesity-Canada, the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Obesity Childhood-Obesity-Task-Force (EASO-COTF), Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), The Obesity Society (TOS) and the World-Obesity-Federation (WOF).
D WeghuberN KhandpurEmma J BoylandA MazurM L FrelutA ForslundElpis-Athina VlachopapadopoulouÉ ErhardtA VaniaD MolnarSusanne Ring-DimitriouM CaroliV MooneyM ForhanX Ramos-SalasA PulunganJ C HolmsG O'MalleyJennifer Lyn BakerA M JastreboffL BaurDavid ThivelPublished in: Pediatric obesity (2023)