The Monetite Structure Probed by Advanced Solid-State NMR Experimentation at Fast Magic-Angle Spinning.
Yang YuBaltzar StevenssonMichael PalmerHua GuoHåkan EngqvistMattias EdénPublished in: International journal of molecular sciences (2019)
We present a solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy study of the local 31 P and 1 H environments in monetite [CaHPO 4 ; dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (DCPA)], as well as their relative spatial proximities. Each of the three 1 H NMR peaks was unambiguously assigned to its respective crystallographically unique H site of monetite, while their pairwise spatial proximities were probed by homonuclear 1 H- 1 H double quantum-single quantum NMR experimentation under fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) of 66 kHz. We also examined the relative 1 H- 31 P proximities among the inequivalent {P1, P2} and {H1, H2, H3} sites in monetite; the corresponding shortest internuclear 1 H- 31 P distances accorded well with those of a previous neutron diffraction study. The NMR results from the monetite phase were also contrasted with those observed from the monetite component present in a pyrophosphate-bearing calcium phosphate cement, demonstrating that while the latter represents a disordered form of monetite, it shares all essential local features of the monetite structure.