33 years of globally calibrated wave height and wind speed data based on altimeter observations.
Agustinus RibalIan R YoungPublished in: Scientific data (2019)
This dataset consists of 33 years (1985 to 2018), of global significant wave height and wind speed obtained from 13 altimeters, namely: GEOSAT, ERS-1, TOPEX, ERS-2, GFO, JASON-1, ENVISAT, JASON-2, CRYOSAT-2, HY-2A, SARAL, JASON-3 and SENTINEL-3A. The altimeter data have been calibrated and validated against National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) buoy data. Differences between altimeter and buoy data as a function of time are investigated for long-term stability. A cross validation between altimeters is also carried out in order to check the stability and consistency of the calibrations developed. Quantile-quantile comparisons between altimeter and buoy data as well as between altimeters are undertaken to test consistency of probability distributions and extreme value performance. The data were binned into 1° by 1° bins globally, to provide convenient access for users to download only the regions of interest. All data are quality controlled. This globally calibrated and cross-validated dataset provides a single point of storage for all altimeter missions in a consistent format.