Background: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others (LGBTQ+) students experience more negative sexual health outcomes than their cisgender, heterosexual peers and do not have access to relevant sex education. This denial necessitates comprehensive sex education in college for LGBTQ + students. Objective : Given the rise of online learning and that LGBTQ + students are already drawn to online spaces, this research seeks to determine preferences in virtual LGBTQ + sexuality education content and delivery LGBTQ + college students. Methods: We conducted a survey with US college students who identified as LGBTQ+ ( N = 91) to identify past experiences with sex education, desires for future sex education, and preferences for online learning. Results: Past sex education, resources used, consequences, preferences for LGBTQ + sexuality and online education are discussed. Conclusions: Overall, we find high comfort with online learning, heteronormative and cisnormative past sex education courses created negative physical and mental health outcomes, and desires for tailored sex education.