Identification of Ancestry Informative Markers in Mediterranean Trout Populations of Molise (Italy): A Multi-Methodological Approach with Machine Learning.

Giovanna SalvatoreValentino PalomboStefano EspositoNicolaia IaffaldanoMariasilvia D'Andrea
Published in: Genes (2022)
Brown trout ( Salmo trutta ), like many other freshwater species, is threated by the release in its natural environment of alien species and the restocking with allochthonous conspecific stocks. Many conservation projects are ongoing and several morphological and genetic tools have been proposed to support activities aimed to restore genetic integrity status of native populations. Nevertheless, due to the complexity of degree of introgression reached up after many generations of crossing, the use of dichotomous key and molecular markers, such as mtDNA, LDH-C1 * and microsatellites, are often not sufficient to discriminate native and admixed specimens at individual level. Here we propose a reduced panel of ancestry-informative SNP markers (AIMs) to support on field activities for Mediterranean trout management and conservation purpose. Starting from the genotypes data obtained on specimens sampled in the main two Molise's rivers (Central-Southern Italy), a 47 AIMs panel was identified and validated on simulated and real hybrid population datasets, mainly through a Machine Learning approach based on Random Forest classifier. The AIMs panel proposed may represent an interesting and cost-effective tool for monitoring the level of introgression between native and allochthonous trout population for conservation purpose and this methodology could be also applied in other species.