Gut microbiota plays a prominent role in regulation of host nutrientmetabolism, drug and xenobiotics metabolism, immunomodulation and defense against pathogens. It synthesizes numerous metabolites thatmaintain the homeostasis of host. Any disbalance in the normalmicrobiota of gut can lead to pathological conditions includinginflammation and tumorigenesis. In the past few decades, theimportance of gut microbiota and its implication in various diseases, including cancer has been a prime focus in the field of research. Itplays a dual role in tumorigenesis, where it can accelerate as wellas inhibit the process. Various evidences validate the effects of gutmicrobiota in development and progression of malignancies, wheremanipulation of gut microbiota by probiotics, prebiotics, dietarymodifications and faecal microbiota transfer play a significant role.In this review, we focus on the current understanding of theinterrelationship between gut microbiota, immune system and cancer,the mechanisms by which they play dual role in promotion andinhibition of tumorigenesis. We have also discussed the role ofcertain bacteria with probiotic characteristics which can be used tomodulate the outcome of the various anti-cancer therapies under theinfluence of the alteration in the composition of gut microbiota.Future research primarily focusing on the microbiota as a communitywhich affect and modulate the treatment for cancer would benoteworthy in the field of oncology. This necessitates acomprehensive knowledge of the roles of individual as well asconsortium of microbiota in relation to physiology and response ofthe host.