Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM) is a rare form of enhanced memory in which individuals demonstrate an extraordinary ability to remember details of their personal lives with high levels of accuracy and vividness. Neuroimaging studies have identified brain regions - specifically, midline areas within the default network - associated with remembering events from one's past. Extending this research on the neural underpinnings of autobiographical memory, the present study utilizes graph theory analyses to compare functional brain connectivity in a cohort of HSAM (n = 12) and control participants (n = 29). We perform seed-based analysis in resting-state fMRI data to assess how specific cortical regions within the autobiographical memory network are differentially connected in HSAM individuals. Additionally, we apply a whole-brain connectivity analysis to identify differences in brain hub-network topology associated with enhanced autobiographical memory. Seed-based results show converging patterns of increased connectivity in HSAM across midline areas. Whole-brain analysis also reveals enhanced connectivity across medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortex in HSAM individuals. Together, these results extend prior research, highlighting cortical hubs within the default network associated with enhanced autobiographical memory.