Introduction: Vaping is common among young adults in the United States. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) has demonstrated success in smoking cessation efforts; however, it has not been comprehensively applied to vaping cessation, and core TTM vaping measures have not been developed. Method: A cross-sectional survey including measures of stage of change (SOC), temptation to vape, and decisional balance (DCBL) was disseminated ( n = 459). Items were adapted from TTM smoking scales. The sample was split for exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA/CFA). Analyses of variance assessed relationships between constructs and SOC. Results: EFA/CFA resulted in one Temptation scale (CFI = .95; α = .87) and two DCBL scales (CFI = .91; Pros α = .72; Cons α = .72). Temptation to vape and Pros of vaping decreased significantly across SOC, while Cons increased significantly. Conclusions: TTM vaping measures for two key TTM constructs were developed utilizing a college sample. Results suggest that the developed measures map well onto the TTM framework.