Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines.
Clotilde ThéryKennith W WitwerElena AikawaMaria Jose AlcarazJohnathon D AndersonRamaroson AndriantsitohainaAnna AntoniouTanina ArabFabienne ArcherGeorgia K Atkin-SmithD Craig AyreJean-Marie BachDaniel BachurskiHossein BaharvandLeonora BalajShawn BaldacchinoNatalie N BauerAmy A BaxterMary BebawyCarla BeckhamApolonija Bedina ZavecAbderrahim BenmoussaAnna C BerardiPaolo BergeseEwa BielskaCherie BlenkironSylwia Bobis-WozowiczEric BoilardWilfrid BoireauAntonella BongiovanniFrancesc E BorràsSteffi BoschChantal M BoulangerXandra BreakefieldAndrew M BreglioMeadhbh Á BrennanDavid R BrigstockAlain BrissonMarike Ld BroekmanJacqueline F BrombergPaulina Bryl-GóreckaShilpa BuchAmy H BuckDylan BurgerSara BusattoDominik BuschmannBenedetta BussolatiEdit I BuzásJames Bryan ByrdGiovanni CamussiDavid Rf CarterSarah CarusoLawrence W ChamleyYu-Ting ChangChihchen ChenShuai ChenLesley ChengAndrew R ChinAled ClaytonStefano P ClericiAlex CocksEmanuele CocucciRobert J CoffeyAnabela Cordeiro-da-SilvaYvonne CouchFrank Aw CoumansBeth CoyleRossella CrescitelliMiria Ferreira CriadoCrislyn D'Souza-SchoreySaumya DasAmrita Datta ChaudhuriPaola de CandiaEliezer F De SantanaOlivier De WeverHernando A Del PortilloTanguy DemaretSarah DevilleAndrew DevittBert DhondtDolores Di VizioLothar C DieterichVincenza DoloAna Paula Dominguez RubioMassimo DominiciMauricio R DouradoTom Ap DriedonksFilipe V DuarteHeather M DuncanRamon M EichenbergerKarin EkströmSamir El AndaloussiCeline Elie-CailleUta ErdbrüggerJuan M Falcón-PérezFarah FatimaJason E FishMiguel Flores-BellverAndrás FörsönitsAnnie Frelet-BarrandFabia FrickeGregor FuhrmannSusanne GabrielssonAna Gámez-ValeroChris GardinerKathrin GärtnerRaphael GaudinYong Song GhoBernd GiebelCaroline GilbertMario GimonaIlaria GiustiDeborah Ci GoberdhanAndré GörgensSharon M GorskiDavid W GreeningJulia Christina GrossAlice GualerziGopal N GuptaDakota GustafsonAase HandbergReka A HarasztiPaul HarrisonHargita HegyesiAn HendrixAndrew F HillFred H HochbergKarl F HoffmannBeth HolderHarry HolthoferBaharak HosseinkhaniGuoku HuYiyao HuangVeronica HuberStuart HuntAhmed Gamal-Eldin IbrahimTsuneya IkezuJameel M InalMustafa IsinAlena IvanovaHannah K JacksonSoren JacobsenSteven M JayMuthuvel JayachandranGuido JensterLanzhou JiangSuzanne M JohnsonJennifer C JonesAmbrose JongTijana Jovanovic-TalismanStephanie JungRaghu KalluriShin-Ichi KanoSukhbir KaurYumi KawamuraEvan T KellerDelaram KhamariElena KhomyakovaAnastasia KhvorovaPeter KierulfKwang Pyo KimThomas KislingerMikael KlingebornDavid J KlinkeMiroslaw KornekMaja M KosanovićÁrpád Ferenc KovácsEva-Maria Krämer-AlbersSusanne KrasemannMirja KrauseIgor V KurochkinGina D KusumaSören KuypersSaara LaitinenScott M LangevinLucia R LanguinoJoanne LanniganCecilia LässerLouise C LaurentGregory LavieuElisa Lázaro-IbáñezSoazig Le LayMyung-Shin LeeYi Xin Fiona LeeDebora S LemosMetka LenassiAleksandra LeszczynskaIsaac Ts LiKe LiaoSten F LibregtsErzsebet LigetiRebecca LimSai Kiang LimAija LinēKaren LinnemannstönsAlicia LlorenteCatherine A LombardMagdalena J LorenowiczÁkos M LörinczJan LötvallJason LovettMichelle C LowryXavier LoyerQuan LuBarbara LukomskaTaral R LunavatSybren Ln MaasHarmeet MalhiAntonio MarcillaJacopo MarianiJavier MariscalElena S Martens-UzunovaLorena Martin-JaularM Carmen MartinezVilma Regina MartinsMathilde MathieuSuresh MathivananMarco MaugeriLynda K McGinnisMark J McVeyDavid G MeckesKatie L MeehanInge MertensValentina R MinciacchiAndreas MöllerMalene Møller JørgensenAizea Morales-KastresanaJess MorhayimFrançois MullierMaurizio MuracaLuca MusanteVeronika MussackDillon C MuthKathryn H MyburghTanbir NajranaMuhammad NawazIrina NazarenkoPeter NejsumChristian NeriTommaso NeriRienk NieuwlandLeonardo NimrichterJohn P NolanEsther Nm Nolte-'t HoenNicole Noren HootenLorraine O'DriscollTina O'GradyAna O'LoghlenTakahiro OchiyaMartin OlivierAlberto OrtizLuis A OrtizXabier OsteikoetxeaOle ØstergaardMatias OstrowskiJaesung ParkD Michiel PegtelHector PeinadoFrancesca PerutMichael W PfafflDonald G PhinneyBartijn Ch PietersRyan C PinkDavid S PisetskyElke Pogge von StrandmannIva PolakovicovaIvan Kh PoonBonita H PowellIlaria PradaLynn PulliamPeter QuesenberryAnnalisa RadeghieriRobert L RaffaiStefania RaimondoJanusz RakMarcel I RamirezGraça RaposoMorsi S RayyanNeta Regev-RudzkiFranz L RicklefsPaul D RobbinsDavid D RobertsSilvia C RodriguesEva RohdeSophie RomeKasper Ma RouschopAurelia RughettiAshley E RussellPaula SaáSusmita SahooEdison Salas-HuenuleoCatherine SánchezJulie A SaugstadMeike J SaulRaymond M SchiffelersRaphael SchneiderTine Hiorth SchøyenAaron ScottEriomina ShahajShivani SharmaOlga ShatnyevaFaezeh ShekariGanesh Vilas ShelkeAshok K ShettyKiyotaka ShibaPia R-M SiljanderAndreia M SilvaAgata SkowronekOrman L SnyderRodrigo Pedro SoaresBarbara W SódarCarolina SoekmadjiJavier SotilloPhilip D StahlWillem StoorvogelShannon L StottErwin F StrasserSimon SwiftHidetoshi TaharaMuneesh TewariKate TimmsSwasti TiwariRochelle TixeiraMercedes TkachWei Seong TohRichard TomasiniAna Claudia TorrecilhasJuan Pablo TosarVasilis ToxavidisLorena UrbanelliPieter VaderBas Wm van BalkomSusanne G van der GreinJan Van DeunMartijn Jc van HerwijnenKendall Van Keuren-JensenGuillaume van NielMartin E van RoyenAndre J van WijnenM Helena VasconcelosIvan J VechettiTiago D VeitLaura J VellaÉmilie VelotFrederik J VerweijBeate VestadJose L ViñasTamás VisnovitzKrisztina V VukmanJessica WahlgrenDionysios C WatsonMarca Hm WaubenAlissa WeaverJason P WebberViktoria WeberAnn M WehmanDaniel J WeissJoshua A WelshSebastian WendtAsa M WheelockZoltán WienerLeonie WitteJoy WolframAngeliki XagorariPatricia XanderJing XuXiaomei YanMaría Yáñez-MóHang YinYuana YuanaValentina ZappulliJana ZarubovaVytautas ŽėkasJian-Ye ZhangZezhou ZhaoLei ZhengAlexander R ZheutlinAntje M ZicklerPascale ZimmermannAngela M ZivkovicDavide ZoccoEwa K Zuba-SurmaPublished in: Journal of extracellular vesicles (2018)
The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles ("MISEV") guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these "MISEV2014" guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV-associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points.