Automated synthesis and quality control of [ 68 Ga]Ga-PentixaFor using the Gaia/Luna Elysia-Raytest module for CXCR4 PET imaging.
Thomas DanielClara Balouzet RavinetJérôme ClercRui BatistaYvan MouraeffPublished in: EJNMMI radiopharmacy and chemistry (2023)
Ga]Ga-PentixaFor synthesis process developed on the Gaia/Luna Elysia-Raytest module has fulfilled all acceptance criteria for injectable radiopharmaceutical products regarding the European Pharmacopeia. The radiochemical purity, stability, efficacy, as well as the microbiological quality of the three GMP batches were found to be good. The robustness of the synthesis process may be suitable for multi-dose application in clinical settings.