Endothelialization of arterial vascular grafts by circulating monocytes.
Randall J SmithBita NasiriJulien KannDonald A YergeauJonathan E BardDaniel D SwartzStelios T AndreadisPublished in: Nature communications (2020)
Recently our group demonstrated that acellular tissue engineered vessels (A-TEVs) comprised of small intestinal submucosa (SIS) immobilized with heparin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) could be implanted into the arterial system of a pre-clinical ovine animal model, where they endothelialized within one month and remained patent. Here we report that immobilized VEGF captures blood circulating monocytes (MC) with high specificity under a range of shear stresses. Adherent MC differentiate into a mixed endothelial (EC) and macrophage (Mφ) phenotype and further develop into mature EC that align in the direction of flow and produce nitric oxide under high shear stress. In-vivo, newly recruited cells on the vascular lumen express MC markers and at later times they co-express MC and EC-specific proteins and maintain graft patency. This novel finding indicates that the highly prevalent circulating MC contribute directly to the endothelialization of acellular vascular grafts under the right chemical and biomechanical cues.