Given the importance of information on intrauterine development in diagnosing anomalies in the gestational development of the species for the development of assisted reproduction technologies as well as understanding the autonomy and responsiveness of the newborn, the aim of the present study was to describe the external morphology of collared peccary conceptuses. For this study, two conceptuses were used per gestational age of 25-120 days post-copulation (dpc) and neonates with 145 dpc, totalling 22 animals. Females were euthanised, and embryos/foetuses were examined, measured, and photographed. During the first third of the gestational period (25-50 dpc, n = 8), a marked body curvature, brain vesicles, somites, internal organs, placid lens, auricular protrusion and limb buds are noted. In the second third of the gestational period (51-100 dpc, n = 10), foetuses lose their body curvature, displaying greater anatomical definition, including skeletal, external ears, nostrils, eyelids and tactile hair formation and cranial suture closure. In addition, dorsal scent gland and genital tubercle differentiation were visualized at 50 days post-copulation. In the third of the gestational period (101-145 dpc, n = 4), the organs become completely formed, alongside skin darkening, eyelid opening, dental eruption, dorsal odorous gland development, sexual organ externalization, and fanero attachment development. These data allowed for the construction of a prenatal growth curve, providing comparative anatomy information for ungulates and further contributing towards rational reproductive management and reproductive biotechnologies for this species.