We report experimental observation of large anomalous Hall effect exhibited in non-collinear triangular antiferromagnet D019-type Mn3Ga with coplanar spin structure at temperatures higher than 100 K. The value of anomalous Hall resistivity increases with increasing temperature, which reaches 1.25 μΩ · cm at a low field of ~300 Oe at room temperature. The corresponding room-temperature anomalous Hall conductivity is about 17 (Ω · cm)-1. Most interestingly, as temperature falls below 100 K, a temperature-independent topological-like Hall effect was observed. The maximum peak value of topological Hall resistivity is about 0.255 μΩ · cm. The appearance of the topological Hall effect is attributed to the change of spin texture as a result of weak structural distortion from hexagonal to orthorhombic symmetry in Mn3Ga. Present study suggests that Mn3Ga shows promising possibility to be antiferromagnetic spintronics or topological Hall effect-based data storage devices.