A New Complex Design of Fe (II) Isoleucine Dithiocarbamate as a Novel Anticancer and Antivirus against SARSCOV-2 (COVID-19).
Rizal IrfandiRiswandi RiswandiIndah RayaAhyar AhmadAhmad FudholiSulistiani JarreDewi Ratih Tirto SariSanti SantiRonald Ivan WijayaPrihantono PrihantonoPublished in: Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP (2022)
Cytotoxic test of Fe(II) isoleucine dithiocarbamate showed moderate anticancer activity on MCF-7 cancer cells and showed antiviral activity against SARSCOV-2 by interfering with spike glycoprotein -ACE2 receptors, and inhibiting major proteases and 3Clpro.