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Shoo fly don't bother me: Flies track social primates and carry viable anthrax.

Sarah ZohdyTonia S Schwartz
Published in: Molecular ecology (2019)
Flies-a small name for an enormous taxonomic group of over 110,000 described species that have unique ecological roles. Nonbiting flies ingest organic material in faecal matter or carrion, which is rich in microbes and nutrients that benefit both adults and their offspring (maggots). These are often referred to as "filth flies" because they are often pests in human settlements and responsible for the spread of enteric pathogens. Filth flies associate with human populations; however, whether this association is simply due to the presence of organic waste produced, or if flies move with social groups remains unknown. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Gogarten et al. (2019) use a unique combination of field methods and molecular tools to show that filth flies (predominantly Muscidae [house flies] and Calliphoridae [blow flies]) associate and move with social nonhuman primate (NHP) groups (mangabeys and chimpanzees) for up to 12 days and over 1 km. Filth flies captured near these groups were found to have pathogen DNA on them from the causative agents of sylvatic anthrax and yaws. Furthermore, the authors were able to show that the anthrax bacteria on the flies was viable. Previous research emphasized sylvatic anthrax as a major conservation threat to wildlife at this field site (Hoffmann et al., 2017), highlighting the significance of filth flies as potential vectors of anthrax. The authors present a suite of methods and approaches that utilize flies to better understand rainforest biodiversity, pathogen transmission potential, and filth fly-host associations. This work represents new directions and opportunities to integrate entomology into field research and exploit the natural history of flies to understand the pathogen landscape and address outstanding questions in ecology and evolution.