Falls are the leading cause of injury, disability, and injury-related mortality in the older adult population. Older adults with Alzheimer disease (AD) are over twice as likely to experience a fall compared to cognitively normal older adults. Intrinsic and extrinsic fall risk factors may influence falls during symptomatic AD; intrinsic factors include changes in cognition and impaired functional mobility, and extrinsic factors include polypharmacy and environmental fall hazards. Despite many known fall risk factors, the high prevalence of falls, and the presence of effective fall prevention interventions for older adults without cognitive impairment, effective fall prevention interventions for older adults with AD to date are limited and inconclusive. Falls may precede AD-related cognitive impairment during the preclinical phase of AD, though a narrow understanding of fall risk factors and fall prevention interventions for older adults with preclinical AD limits clinical treatment of falls among cognitively normal older adults with preclinical AD. This mini review explores fall risk factors in symptomatic AD, evidence for effective fall prevention interventions in symptomatic AD, and preclinical AD as an avenue for future falls research, including recommendations for future research directions to improve our understanding of falls and fall risk during preclinical AD. Early detection and tailored interventions to address these functional changes are needed to reduce the risk of falls for those at risk for developing AD. Concerted efforts should be dedicated to understanding falls to inform precision fall prevention strategies for this population.