Modification of PCL Scaffolds by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering: A Possibility for Modulating Macrophage Responses.
Ksenia S StankevichValeriya L KudryavtsevaEvgeniy N BolbasovEvgeny V ShesterikovIrina V LarionovaYelena G ShapovalovaLiubov V DomrachevaApollinariya A VolokhovaIrina A KurzinaYuri M ZhukovAnna B MalashichevaJulia G KzhyshkowskaSergey I TverdokhlebovPublished in: ACS biomaterials science & engineering (2020)
Direct current (DC) reactive magnetron sputtering is as an efficient method for enhancing the biocompatibility of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds. However, the PCL chemical bonding state, the composition of the deposited coating, and their interaction with immune cells remain unknown. Herein, we demonstrated that the DC reactive magnetron sputtering of the titanium target in a nitrogen atmosphere leads to the formation of nitrogen-containing moieties and the titanium dioxide coating on the scaffold surface. We have provided the possible mechanism of PCL fragmentation and coating formation supported by XPS results and DFT calculations. Our preliminary biological studies suggest that DC reactive magnetron sputtering of the titanium target could be an effective tool to control macrophage functional responses toward PCL scaffolds as it allows to inhibit respiratory burst while retaining cell viability and scavenging activity.