Strategies to counteract interleukin (IL)-10-mediated immune evasion by Eimeria spp. during coccidiosis- like anti-IL-10 antibodies- may protect broiler chicken health and reduce incidence of secondary necrotic enteritis (Clostridium perfringens) via undetermined mechanisms. Objectives were to use sequencing techniques to evaluate jejunal microbial community composition and function in anti-IL-10-fed broilers during coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis. On d0, Ross 308 chicks were placed in 32 cages (15 chicks/ cage) for a 25-d study and randomly assigned to diets ± 0.03% anti-IL-10. Six chicks/ diet were euthanized for distal jejunum content and tissue collection on d 14 (baseline) before inoculating the remainder with saline or 15,000 E. maxima oocysts (M6 strain). Half the chicks challenged with E. maxima were challenged with C. perfringens (1×10 8 colony forming units) on d 18 and 19. Follow-up samples (6 chicks/treatment) were collected at 7 and 11 d postinoculation (pi) for the E. maxima-only group, or 3 and 7 dpi for the E. maxima + C. perfringens group with 3/7 dpi being designated as peak and 7/11dpi as postpeak challenge. DNA was extracted from digesta for microbiota composition analysis (16S rRNA gene sequencing) while RNA was extracted from tissue to evaluate the metatranscriptome (RNA sequencing). Alpha diversity and genus relative abundances were analyzed using the diet or challenge main effects with associated interactions (SAS 9.4; P ≤ 0.05). No baseline microbial changes were associated with dietary anti-IL-10. At peak challenge, a diet main effect reduced observed species 36.7% in chicks fed anti-IL-10 vs. control; however, the challenge effect reduced observed species and Shannon diversity 51.2-58.3% and 33.0 to 35.5%, respectively, in chicks challenged with E. maxima ± C. perfringens compared to their unchallenged counterparts (P ≤ 0.05). Low sequencing depth limited metatranscriptomic analysis of jejunal microbial function via RNA sequencing. This study demonstrates that challenge impacted the broiler distal jejunum microbiota more than anti-IL-10 while future research to characterize the microbial metatranscriptome may benefit from investigating other intestinal compartments.