[Current issues in the rehabilitation of stroke patients against the background of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Resolution of the Council of Experts].
G E IvanovaE V MelnikovaO S LevinS E Khat'kovaDina R KhasanovaS N YanishevskijV D DaminovE E VaseninaM V GurkinaPublished in: Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova (2020)
The pandemic of the new coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 has forced to reconsider the methods of rehabilitation of patients with emergency conditions, including neurology. The Council of Experts of Neurologists and Rehabilitation Therapists gathered to develop unified approaches to manage stroke patients based on a discussion of practical experience and, taking into account the scientific information on COVID-19 that was available by the time of the meeting. Stroke is a serious disabling condition that requires maximum rehabilitation efforts at all stages of medical care. In the context of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic, the process of medical rehabilitation and the routing of patients with stroke is undergoing major changes. Combining COVID-19 and stroke requires new approaches to rehabilitation and patient management. During the meeting, a resolution was developed in which the experts formulated the tactics of medical rehabilitation of patients with stroke and COVID-19 at the first and second stages. The arguments of the importance and practicability of carrying out measures of medical rehabilitation at the third stage is given and the need to continue consultations on the indicated topic is revealed.