Spikelet abortion in six-rowed barley is mainly influenced by final spikelet number with potential spikelet number acting as a suppressor trait.
Roop KamalQuddoos H MuqaddasiYusheng ZhaoThorsten SchnurbuschPublished in: Journal of experimental botany (2021)
The potential to increase barley grain yield lies in the indeterminate nature of its inflorescence meristem (IM). The IM produces spikelets, the basic reproductive unit in grasses, which are linked to reproductive success. During early reproductive growth, barley spikes pass through the maximum yield potential-a stage after which no new spikelet ridges are produced. Subsequently, spikelet abortion (SA), a phenomenon in which spikelets abort during spike growth, imposes a bottleneck on increasing the grain yield potential. Here, we studied the potential of main culm spikes by counting potential spikelet number (PSN), final spikelet number (FSN) and computed the corresponding SA (%) in a panel of 417 six-rowed spring barleys. Our phenotypic data analyses showed a significantly large within- and across-years genotypic variation with high broad-sense heritability estimates for all the investigated traits, including SA. Asian accessions displayed the lowest SA indicating the presence of favorable alleles that may be exploited in breeding programs. A significantly negative Pearson's product-moment correlation was observed between FSN and SA. Our path analysis revealed that PSN and FSN explain 93% of the observed phenotypic variability for SA with PSN behaving as a suppressor trait magnifying the effect. Based on a large set of diverse barley accessions, our results provide a deeper phenotypic understanding of the quantitative genetic nature of SA, its association with traits of high agronomic importance, and a resource for further genetic analyses.