In many mountainous regions, winter precipitation accumulates as snow that melts in spring and summer, providing water to one billion people globally. Climate warming and earlier snowmelt compromises this natural water storage. While snowpack trend analyses commonly focus on snow water equivalent (SWE), we propose that trends in accumulation season snowmelt serve as a critical indicator of hydrologic change. Here we compare long-term changes in snowmelt and SWE from snow monitoring stations in western North America and find 34% of stations exhibit increasing winter snowmelt trends (p < 0.05), a factor of three larger than the 11% showing SWE declines (p < 0.05). Snowmelt trends are highly sensitive to temperature and an underlying warming signal, while SWE trends are more sensitive to precipitation variability. Thus, continental-scale snow water resources are in steeper decline than inferred from SWE trends alone. More winter snowmelt will complicate future water resource planning and management.