Maximum velocity and leg-specific ground reaction force production change with radius during flat curve sprinting.

Gabriela B DiazRyan S AlcantaraAlena M Grabowski
Published in: The Journal of experimental biology (2024)
Humans attain slower maximum velocity (vmax) on curves versus straightaways, potentially due to centripetal ground reaction force (GRF) production and depends on curve radius. Previous studies found GRF production differences between an athlete's inside versus outside leg relative to the center of the curve. Further, sprinting clockwise (CW) versus counterclockwise (CCW) slows vmax. We determined vmax, step kinematics, and individual leg GRF on a straightaway and curves with 17.2 and 36.5 m radii for nine (8M; 1F) competitive sprinters running CW and CCW and compared vmax to three predictive models. We combined CW and CCW directions and found that vmax slowed by 10.0±2.4% and 4.1±1.6% (p<0.001) for the 17.2 and 36.5 m radius curves versus the straightaway, respectively. vmax values from the predictive models were up to 3.5% faster than the experimental data. Contact length was 0.02 m shorter and stance average resultant GRF was 0.10 BW greater for the 36.5 versus 17.2 m radius curves (p<0.001). Stance average centripetal GRF was 0.10 body weights (BW) greater for the inside versus outside leg (p<0.001) on the 36.5 m radius curve. Stance average vertical GRF was 0.21 BW (p<0.001) and 0.10 BW (p=0.001) lower for the inside versus outside leg for the 17.2 and 36.5 m radius curves, respectively. For a given curve radius, vmax was 1.6% faster in the CCW compared to CW direction (p=0.003). Overall, we found that sprinters change contact length and modulate GRFs produced by their inside and outside legs as curve radius decreases, potentially limiting vmax.